Trip to see Taylor!!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

A date with B

So on Tuesday I had a date with B.
He is a friend.
Remember the awkwardness of this night...and then my second thoughts months later here and here.

Well he asked me out for a date.
And since he had heard of all my sort of not so great dating stories I figured I certainly should give him a chance.
He suggested Terroni on Adelaide.

I didn't have the heart to suggest somewhere else though I had been there recently with MrConsultant (a different location/same menu) and previously before with MrKent.
I messaged him during the day to ask him if we were meeting at the restaurant or before hand (ie. what I was trying to say is "hey if this is a date...pick me up!")
He said "meet that okay?"
So obviously I replied "sounds great :)" because I suck at saying how I really feel.

I was so so so incredibly nervous!
I was just a chatty cathy talking a million miles a minute.
He is pretty chatty too so that was okay.
We had some great food.
But I couldn't help but glance around and hope not to see MrKent or recall that date.
Anyway I quickly zoned myself back into conversation with B.

Afterwards he walked me to my car that was parked close to my work.
And as we stood there chatting.
I was nervous...and found myself saying "I had a really great time hanging out"...I mean I did but something about it seemed so automatic like it is my go to line after a date.
It's like I don't want to make the person feel bad.

And then I was panicky as I went to hug him but he was sort of leaning down.
And I thought well I can't kiss him.
So before I knew it he kissed me and then  I kept kissing him because I was so worried about it being awkward!
And it was fine.
I mean it was good.

And as I drove home I had a little bit of a freak out.
As in what the HECK am I doing?
Am I dating too much? Am I still not over MrKent? Should I take a break from all this dating? Should I move out of the country? 
Total freakout.
So obviously when I got home I reached out to Taylor.
Who instantly made me feel better by telling me "you're not doing anything wrong".
And it made me breathe a little bit easier.

Then Laurel messaged me is how it went down.

Pravda= MrPravda, Dentist=MrDentalSurgeon, Ottawa guy=MrConsultant...just to help you keep it straight:)

The blank is MrKent

So yea safe to say I was having a little bit of a freak out!

Thank goodness B is going to Vegas/Cali on vacation so I can have some time to sort out what to do about him/this situation.
Part of me thinks I'm actually not ready for a boyfriend if that person isn't the right one.
But part of me thinks I'm so ready for a boyfriend if it is the right person.
I think I was/am bummed because I really thought MrKent was the right person.
Boy was I wrong.
What am I going to do?
Of course my ridiculousness had me lined up for a date the next night...Wednesday a date with MrPravda.

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